Discover Fertility
Boasting the most fertile soils in America, you'll often hear us boast, "We can grow anything." But we're not just talking cotton.

Discover Fertility
Boasting the most fertile soils in America, you'll often hear us boast, "We can grow anything." But we're not just talking cotton.
Looking for an ideal location for business or industry?
Quitman County's industrial park is accessible by freight rail and trucking. Located in the Mississippi Delta, Quitman County welcomes and supports business ventures that create new opportunities for its people. Check out the incentives and tax advantages offered to new and expanding businesses:
Visit Mississippi Development Authority for more incentives.
According to an independent study by a major American manufacturer, Mississippi's favorable business climate ranked number one among 23 states in which it has manufacturing operations. Factors weighed included taxes, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation, operating costs, labor, transportation, energy, health care, job growth and quality of life.
Mississippi offers a strong, supportive business climate, where the operating costs of doing business is low and a great infrastructure are available to help your business compete in today's economy.
Current Infrastructure Condition/Capacity
Available Acres: 39 acres
415 Roger Road
Marks, Mississippi 38646
Site Details
Available Acres: 39 acres
Adj. Avail. Acres: 0 acres
Topography: Flat
Setting: Industrial Park
Zoning: Agriculture
Within City Limits: -
Sale Price: $3,000.00
Transportation Summary
Nearest Interstate: I-55 - 18 miles
Nearest 4-Lane Highway:
Interstate 55 & MS Highway 61 - 18 miles
Nearest Commercial Airport:
Memphis International - 83 miles
Rail Service: Yes
There are many water and sewer providers for the county that range from the City of Marks and water and sewer associations in the county. Most people receive their water and sewer through water and sewer associations. The quality and reliability varies based on the water system.
Marks is the only municipality that has a traditional downtown. The downtown area of Marks is similar to many cities and towns located in the Delta. Most downtown areas in the Delta have undergone significant declines.
Roads, Highways, and Bridges
The roadways in Quitman County include Mississippi State Highway 3, Mississippi State Highway 6, Mississippi State Highway 316, and U.S. Highway 278. All the highways are two lane. There are no major interstates in Quitman County.
Energy and Telecommunications
The largest electric provider for the county is Entergy Mississippi. Middle South Utilities serves as a subsidiary for the county. Tallahatchie Valley Authority provides services in portions of the county.
Natural gas is supplied by a variety of companies. Mississippi Valley Gas (MVG) serve majority of the county. Marks and Lambert have a municipal gas system with Entex Gas. The rural areas do not receive natural gas service and must use other forms of gas for heating, primarily butane or LPG.
AT&T is the largest telecommunications technology available to residents in Quitman County. Since the previous CEDS, numerous other forms of telecommunications technology has been introduced in the market place.
Quitman County is an ACT Work Ready Community. Founded in 1959, ACT is a not-for-profit organization headquartered in Iowa City, Iowa, and dedicated to helping people achieve education and workplace success. ACT provides a broad array of assessment, research, information and program management solutions in the areas of education and workforce development.
The county has a vocational school and a recently opened Quitman County Empowerment Career Center. Training classes at these locations are offered by two local community colleges. These classes including; welding, electricity, building trades, forklift drivers and computer prep for GED.